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The BSP started at the beginning of 2010 with the Faculty of Business and Management and its practice-oriented study programs in the fields of Management/Business Administration and Business Psychology. Meanwhile, the faculty is complemented by the Faculty of Creative Business with study programs around creative business professional profiles as drivers of innovation in business and society. These two application-oriented UAS faculties are complemented by the university faculty of law and the law degree program.

In all three faculties, BSP stands for Business - Science - Personality:

Business stands for practical and science-based education and research in the fields of business and law, closely oriented to the current and future needs of companies and institutions. The central concern is the promotion of independent and entrepreneurial thinking with the willingness to assume responsibility in business and society. Special importance is attached to interdisciplinary cooperation between the three faculties, for example in the field of digitalization.

Science stands for synergies between scientific and application-oriented research. Economic, legal, economic-psychological, communication-scientific and creative-economic questions complement each other. One example of this is the research activities on aspects of management theory and law in the context of digitization. In all these activities, the BSP pursues the approach of a constructive transfer from science to practice and vice versa.

Personality stands for the concern to make the professional and methodical claim of the BSP as a scientific institution individually tangible for students and researchers. A pronounced service orientation of the BSP is self-evident. At the same time, the personal development of the students in the sense of a constructive willingness to shape their own lives is a primary concern of the BSP.

Mission Statement

Study Business Class

The mission statement of being involved with a Business Class stands for quality and service orientation, a high degree of activating teaching and for individual support on the way to professional life. All university members actively live the following premises:

Personal support and Interaction
The teaching staff and the university management are always available for students, without fixed office hours. The Career Center and the International Office provide individual support in setting the course for career paths. Students are actively involved in shaping the teaching. They learn through their own experience, active action and professional feedback.

Relevance to the Job Market and Entrepreneurial Practice
Students have many courses with professional practitioners. Extensive practical phases in Germany or abroad are integrated into the course of study. For an early networking of the students with the economy, the BSP Business and Law School cooperates on the one hand with companies and creates company networks. For students in the university law program, cooperations with law firms and auditing companies, institutions, companies in industry, insurance and banking are established and expanded, but also after opportunities for cooperation with internship opportunities in the legal civil service. If students want to start their own business, mentors accompany them during their studies.

In elective modules, excursions, in project study phases/internships and in interdisciplinary projects, students get to know other perspectives and disciplines. In the course of their studies, they repeatedly have joint projects with fellow students and teachers from the respective other discipline. In all degree programs, students also acquire additional social, communicative and psychological skills for their respective work practice.

Motivation and Talent Instead of NC
Motivation and talent count more at BSP Business and Law School than the grade point average on the transcript. In an individual admission interview, prospective students have the opportunity to convince the BSP Business and Law School of their willingness to perform, their entrepreneurial thinking and their social competence.

An international orientation does not only exist in large companies and law firms. Medium-sized businesses and law firms are also increasingly orienting themselves across borders. The study programs at BSP Business and Law School give students the opportunity to learn languages and gain experience abroad.

Quality, Innovation and Tradition in a Unique Learning Atmosphere
In the listed and historically rich Siemens Villa in the Berlin-Lankwitz district of the Berlin Campus, quality in teaching, professional innovation and tradition combine to create a unique learning atmosphere. At the Hamburg Campus in the middle of Hamburg's Hafencity, students experience a combination of traditional Hanseatic atmosphere in a World Heritage Site with innovative urban development.



Business and legal professions in the global economy and society, need open-mindedness towards other people and knowledge about their cultures. Studying at BSP Business and Law School encourages their benevolent curiosity - for example, through semesters abroad or exciting business and law cases.

Acting responsibly also requires thinking about tomorrow. Studying at BSP Business and Law School promotes awareness of sustainable solutions in business and society - for example, through business simulation games and case work.

Innovation and success in business and legal practice require diversity in business and management. We encourage imaginative and constructive contributions during the course of study.

Social Responsibility
Companies, institutions and administrations are always social spaces that depend on empathy and consideration. The training of social skills is an integral part of the studies at BSP Business and Law School.