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Business ­Administration (B.Sc.)

Comprehensive, practice-oriented and individual - the Bachelor's Degree Program in Business Administration (BWL) prepares you for a successful start to your career. In the first semesters of your Business Administration studies you will acquire the necessary management skills. Depending on your interests, you can choose one of three specializations. The project studies will give you a first insight into your future professional field.

»Click here for further information in German language«

Communication and Media Management (B.Sc.)

Those who work successfully in communication and media management move professionally in the complex media landscape and master the rules of good communication. Whether online or offline, digital or analogue, in marketing as well as in public relations, in press departments and in social media management, their knowledge is in demand. A Bachelor's programme with everything that belongs to professional communication and modern media management: basics of management, media economics, media psychology, campaign planning, marketing, social media management, public relations, media law.

»Click here for further information in German language«

Business Psychology (B.Sc.)

Upon completion of the Bachelor's degree program in Business Psychology, you will be qualified to use psychological concepts and methods to analyze organizational, communication and influencing processes and to develop reliable foundations for their effective design. Through the fields of application offered, you will acquire differentiated knowledge for the many possible applications in the areas of impact research, communication and marketing, human resources or work and organizational development.

»Click here for further information in German language«

Sports Science, Focus on Basketball Coaching (B.A.)

Basketball is considered to be one of the fastest sports games in the world and requires team spirit, tactical skills and coordination as well as mental strength from the players. It is the "game of runs", in which leads in points that were thought to be safe can be made up and given up again in the blink of an eye. The constant back and forth between success and failure is part of basketball and requires constant tactics and reactions. In this dynamic process, the coaches play an important role. In competition, they must rely on the right players, make smart decisions, and stop their opponents' runs. Off the field, they prepare for and follow up on competitions and add other tasks: strengthening team spirit, assessing and managing the performance of individual players, promoting young talent, and much more. In short: Successfully coaching basketball teams is a complex process that requires a modern, interdisciplinary and well-founded basketball coaching education.

All this knowledge is taught in the bachelor's degree program in Sports Science, focus Trainer:in Basketball in cooperation with ALBA BERLIN. As a ten-time German champion and eleven-time cup winner, the club is one of the top basketball clubs in Europe. In addition, ALBA BERLIN is a basketball club that has received several awards in Germany for its holistic work with young talent and combines competitive sports, popular sports and social commitment in a unique way. For students, ALBA BERLIN and the club's network clubs offer the opportunity to gain valuable practical experience in a permanent internship parallel to their studies.

»Click here for further information in German language«

Sports Science, Focus on Soccer Coaching (B.A.)

Whether it's a backyard match or the Champions League: the game with the round leather captivates people across all borders. The easy access to the game - one ball, two goals - makes people all over the world dream of being a professional player. But when it comes to coaching teams, soccer as a global power reveals itself in all its complexity. In the highly competitive and media-staged world of competitive sports, a great deal of self-confidence, stamina and media savvy are required in addition to soccer skills and charisma. In today's world, the requirements for professional coach:ing education have risen far into the academic realm. In addition to head coaches, professional clubs employ entire coaching staffs whose competencies are drawn from the fields of sports science, management, psychology and many others.

In short, the successful coaching of soccer teams is a highly complex process that requires a modern, interdisciplinary and well-founded education.

»Click here for further information in German language«

Sports Science (B.A.)

Sport has many facets. Whether in the growing fitness industry, in the segment of extreme sports, as a health-promoting measure or in competitive sports - the significance that sporting activities have in our society is high. The Bachelor's degree programme in Sports Science at the BSP looks at sporting activity from a scientific perspective and has an interdisciplinary orientation. Through sub-disciplines such as training and movement science, biomechanics, sports medicine, sports psychology and sports pedagogy, the Bachelor's programme offers students a wide range of development opportunities. It is therefore aimed in particular at those interested in sports who have already gained experience as trainers, amateur or competitive athletes or exercise instructors. They learn to effectively design movement and sport interventions and the associated processes for different areas and target groups and to understand problems in practice as trainers or exercise leaders and to develop suitable solution concepts. The special sports pedagogical and sports psychological role that trainers play in the personal development of their protégés is also discussed in detail. The Bachelor's programme in Sports Science is state-recognised and is currently in the process of professional accreditation.

»Click here for further information in German language«

Fashion Marketing (B.A.)

Fashion is creativity, individuality and dynamism, but behind even the most revealing brand and the funkiest creation are sophisticated management and marketing processes without which fashion cannot function. That's why the Fashion Marketing degree program imparts not only broad know-how about all facets of fashion, but also a sound understanding of the interrelationships between markets, corporate structures and target groups.

A plus of the study program is the intensive promotion of communication and teamwork skills. In teaching and in practical projects, students regularly work in teams, and ideas and strategies are repeatedly presented to real customers or within the study group.

As a creative location, the Fashion Marketing and Berlin study program offers an ideal study and starting point for a successful career in the wide world of fashion. Both for a job in retail, marketing, management or PR, you will find the right infrastructure and players in Berlin. The integrated project studies in Germany or abroad provide first insights into future professional fields. Cooperation with companies, practical partners and lecturers from the field help to establish contacts for starting a career during the course of study and to enable a smooth transition from study to work.

»Click here for further information in German language«

Fashion Journalism (B.A.)

Creating media content, professional writing, publishing specialist texts or preparing digital or cross-media formats. The fashion journalism degree program creates all the prerequisites for a career in a fashion editorial department, blogging and digital journalism, as well as public relations and corporate communications

»Click here for further information in German language«

Costume and Make-up Design (B.A.)

The bachelor's degree program in Costume and Make-up Design focuses on teaching the subject-specific fundamentals of visual-narrative design and competencies related to the professional field. The program enables students to develop their own artistic, technical and scientific skills and qualifies them to communicate and implement their own ideas and concepts in collaboration with directors, scenographers, photographers, production managers and actors.

»Click here for further information in German language«

Sustainable Fashion (B.A.)

The bachelor's degree program in Sustainable Fashion trains future fashion designers and managers who are aware of their responsibilities and who are committed to a fair fashion world through their thoughts and actions. The program provides answers to the demands for change and new concepts for the fashion industry and offers an education that focuses on the in-depth examination of ecological, cultural and social sustainability issues in all work stages of the fashion industry.

»Click here for further information in German language«


Bachelor Degree

Faculty of Business and Management

The University of Applied Sciences Business and Management Faculty is built on two strong professional pillars:
Business Administration, Management and Communication & Business Psychology

Betriebswirtschaftslehre Bachelorstudium

Business Administration

Understanding and managing the diverse demands on today's businesses through practice

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Internationale Betriebswirtschaft Bachelorstudium

International Business Administration

Authentic leadership skills in global markets

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Kommunikations- und Medienmanagement Bachelorstudium

Communication and Media Management

Communication as a key competence for successful management in the online society

study language:

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Business Psychology Bachelor

Business Psychology

Gain a holistic understanding of people in the market economy Business Psychology

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Faculty of Applied Sport Sciences & Personality

People make the difference: the Faculty of Applied Sport Sciences & Personality is dedicated to sport as a cross-sectional science and combines the fields of Management, Sport Pedagogy and Ethics, Sport Psychology, Law and Communication into a unique curriculum.


Sports Science (B.A.)

Sports Science (B.A.)

Doing sport from a scientific point of view

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Sports Science, Focus on Basketball Coaching (B.A.)

Sports Science, Focus on Basketball Coaching (B.A.)

With training, tactics and pedagogy to success: BSP & ALBA BERLIN Coaches College

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Sports Science, Focus on Soccer Coaching (B.A.)

Sports Science, Focus on Soccer Coaching (B.A.)

Recipe for Success Trainer:in - Cross-sectional Science Sport & Personal Development

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Creative Business Faculty

The University of Applied Sciences Department of Creative Business has four Bachelor's Degree programs with majors ranging from Design and Sustainability, Marketing and Fashion Journalism, or Costume and Makeup Design.


Modemarketing Bachelorstudium

Fashion Marketing

More than Creative: Bringing Fashion to Market

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Modejournalismus Bachelorstudium

Fashion Journalism

More than Creative: Giving the Look a Name

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Costume and Make-up Design Bachelorstudium

Costume and Make-up Design

More than Creative: Creating the Grand Entrance

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Sustainable Fashion Bachelorstudium

Sustainable Fashion

More than Creative: Design the Fashion World Fairly

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