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Zweck Marketing, Statistiken, Analyse, Optimierung
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Zweck Youtube-Player Funktion

Business Administration (M.Sc.)

How do you manage a company? How do you lead a team? How do you promote innovation? And how do you control processes in the company? Management skills are the key to success in modern companies. The BSP is a university for management and law - the Business Administration Master is our flagship in management. Here you will receive a cross-sector and cross-divisional education with state-of-the-art management know-how.

»Click here for further information in German language«

Business Innovation & Entrepreneurship (M.Sc.)

Innovations are drivers of economic progress and entrepreneurial success. However, not every idea succeeds on the market, not every invention becomes a commercial success. This is exactly where the Business Innovation & Entrepreneurship programme (M.Sc.) comes in. In the Master's programme, the opportunities and risks, the special features and challenges of state-of-the-art innovation management are presented on the basis of current findings in innovation research and concrete case studies from business practice.

»Click here for further information in German language«

Media Psychology (M.Sc.)

Modern life without media and digital communication is no longer imaginable today. Whether Google, Facebook & Co., Big Data, AI, the Internet of Things or the classic-traditional media - the media industry needs professional strategies based on sound findings. In addition to a differentiated analysis of media use and reception, the professional field of media psychologists offers competencies in developing new media formats and content, forecasting the success of advertising campaigns and new online platforms, as well as a critical view of how the media can meet the needs of people in their everyday lives and culture.

»Click here for further information in German language«

Sustainability and Management (M.Sc.)

Sustainability has long since become a must-have for organizations. To remain competitive in the future, companies must live up to their responsibility for society and the environment. The master's program "Sustainability & Management" therefore thinks management in a new, different and sustainable way and prepares you for the social, ecological and economic challenges in a constantly changing world.

In four semesters, acquire the skills and motivation to drive innovation and the courage to bring about real, lasting change in companies. With your knowledge and skills, you will be able to better shape the future of business and ensure that companies are not only successful, but also sustainable.

»Click here for further information in German language«

Business Psychology (M.Sc.)

In our Master of Business Psychology, you will learn how to design companies, accompany processes, and act as a consultant and coach through comprehensive methodological knowledge. Interactive and experience-oriented, we teach you procedures, tools and a mindset that will enable you to make organizations of all kinds fit for the future working world. We place a special focus on organizational and human resource development, because the individual is the central key to change in organizations. That is why we also offer you the opportunity to complete the certified additional training as a systemic coach within your master's program.

»Click here for further information in German language«

Sport ­psychology (M.Sc.)

Psychological excellence in competitive sports
Sports psychology combines passions for sports and understanding people who want to achieve peak performance in sports. The work of the sports psychologist is accordingly diverse and interesting. It spans the optimization of individual or team performance, through the treatment of serious performance crises, to the maintenance of mental health within competitive sports. This requires not only in-depth knowledge of psychology, but also a mature personality.

»Click here for further information in German language«

Sports science Coach:in in team sports, focus on football (M.Sc.)

Whether it's a backyard match or the Champions League: the game with the round leather captivates people across all borders. The easy access to the game - one ball, two goals - makes people all over the world dream of being a professional player. But when it comes to coaching teams, football as a global power reveals itself in all its complexity. In the highly competitive sport staged by the media, a lot of self-confidence, stamina and understanding of the media are required in addition to footballing competence and charisma. In today's world, the demands on a professional coach's education have risen far into the academic realm. In addition to head coaches, professional clubs employ entire coaching staffs whose competences are bundled from the fields of sports science, management, psychology and many others. In short, the successful coaching of football teams is a highly complex process that requires a modern, interdisciplinary and well-founded education.

»Click here for further information in German language«

Sports Mana­gement and Legal Skills (M.Sc.)

Sport is passion and emotion, but also competition and business. With annual sales of more than 80 billion euros, the international sports market is one of the fastest growing and largest markets in the world. Complex organizational structures and advancing digitalization pose enormous challenges to the industry and require increased professionalization in sports. In the master's program Sports Management and Legal Skills, students therefore deal with both sides of sports. The chosen focus of study contributes to obtaining a professional field-related competence to act at the interface of economics, management and sports.  

»Click here for further information in German language«

Creative Business Management (M.A.)

A Master's degree made for the creative leaders of the future

Interdisciplinary thinking and working are typical characteristics of the creative industries and are dealt with intensively in the Creative Business Management degree programme as part of all fields of competence. Entrepreneurship in the creative industries today predominantly means recognising - digital - change movements and developing new creative business models from them. A three-stage integrated practical project, the project study and a Master's thesis coordinated with it make it possible to take the helm in your own hands right from the start and determine the course for your own studies.

»Click here for further information in German language«

Study Master

Faculty Business and Management

The University of Applied Sciences' Faculty of Business and Management is built on two strong subject pillars: Business Administration, Management & Communication and Business Psychology.  

Business Administration Master

Business Administration

The Master's degree with a focus on management skills

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Business Innovation & Entrepreneurship Master

Business Innovation & Entrepreneurship

State-of-the-Art Innovation Management

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Digital Management for Legal & Compliance Master

Digital Management for Legal & Compliance

Digitalisation of legal services

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Master Studium in Berlin an der BSP - Medienpsychologie

Media Psychology

Innovative in media and psychology

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Master Studium in Berlin an der BSP - Sustainability and Management

Sustainability & Management

Sustainability is a must-have for organizations

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Master Studium in Berlin an der BSP - Wirtschaftspsychologie

Business Psychology

Holistic understanding of personnel and organizational development in companies and institutions

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Faculty Applied Sport Sciences & Personality

People make the difference: the faculty Applied Sport Sciences & Personality is dedicated to sport as a cross-sectional science and combines the fields of management, sport pedagogy and ethics, sport psychology, law and communication into a unique curriculum in its course offerings.

Master Studium in Berlin an der BSP - Sportpsychologie

Sports Psychology

Psychological excellence in competitive sports

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Master Studium in Berlin an der BSP - Sportwissenschaft Trainer:in im Teamsport, Schwerpunkt Fußball

Sports science Coach:in in team sports, focus on football

Focus on personality development

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Master Studium in Berlin an der BSP - Sports Management and Legal Skills

Sports Management and Legal Skills

The interface of economics, management and sport

study language:

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Faculty Creative Business

The Faculty of Creative Business at the University of Applied Sciences stands for the unique combination of business management skills and a deep understanding of the innovative processes of the creative industries.