How do you manage a company? How do you lead a team? How do you encourage innovation? Moreover, how do you control processes in the company? Management skills are the key to the success of modern companies. The BSP is a university for management and law - the Business Administration Master is our flagship in management. Here you will receive cross-industry and cross-departmental training with state-of-the-art management expertise.
Flyer Business Administration
- 100% state-of-the-art knowledge management
- All the skills you need for a successful management career
- Practice-oriented and digital in every module
- Integrated thinking outside the box: training in soft skills, ethics,psychology and software engineering
Practice, Practice, Practice
You study in a practical way and get to know companies first-hand during your studies. In a separate module, you will visit different companies and compare their business models. This is how theory and practice complement each other in the Business Administration Master.
Digital in all Modules
Digitization is a topic in all modules of the Business Administration Master. The Software Engineering module provides a basic understanding of programming and the importance of software for companies.
Optional Stay Abroad
In the 3rd semester of the Business Administration Master, there is the possibility to integrate a stay abroad. For this, you choose from more than 50 partner universities worldwide, or you attend another university of your choice.
Double Degree Programs
You have the opportunity to integrate a double degree program into your studies. This option is available with the renowned BSP partner universities City University of Seattle in the USA and SolBridge International School of Business in South Korea.
By participating in this program, students receive two academic Master's degrees: one at BSP and one at the selected partner university.
Start-up Workshop
The Start-up Workshop provides the necessary knowledge for self-employment. From idea generation to financing and legal frameworks to product and customer management, you will learn about all the necessary decision-making areas.
Soft Skills Training
Negotiation, presentation, conflict resolution, and networking - the daily work routine require different soft skills. A training course teaches these skills based on exercises and case studies.
Business Game: Real Decisions in a Virtual Company
Within the framework of a business game, you control your own company. In this way, you learn about the complex interrelationships in a company.
Business Psychology: Business is more than Numbers
Economy is made by people. Moods, personal experiences or patterns of action influence decisions. Knowing psychological processes makes it easier to understand companies.
Ethics: Corporate Values are Not Just on the Balance Sheet
What values should a manager follow? How is a decision made when these values conflict with economic goals? Management needs a foundation of values. We provide orientation for your ethical compass.
- relevant university degree with professional qualification according to §10BerlHG
- completed bachelor's degree in economics or
- completed bachelor studies with a minimum of 60 ECTS in economics modules
Career Booster - Double Degree Programs
You have the opportunity to integrate a double degree program into your studies. This option is available with the renowned BSP partner universities City University of Seattle in the USA and SolBridge International School of Business in South Korea.
By participating in this program, students receive two academic Master's degrees: one at BSP and one at the selected partner university.
At BSP, Business Administration Master's students can earn a double degree in cooperation with the SolBridge International School of Business in South Korea. Graduates of the double degree program receive two academic degrees - one from each university.
In order to obtain the double degree, a stay at the South Korean partner university is planned in the 3rd semester for a period of approx. 6 months. SolBridge is AACSB-accredited, placing it in the top 5 percent of the best business schools in the world. It is located in the city of Daejeon, one hour from Seoul.
The bilateral study program represents an outstanding opportunity for students to develop their personality and sharpen their own academic profile. International experience is also an enormous asset on the job market: in an increasingly globalized world and economy, the double degree offers graduates excellent career and networking options.
Prerequisites for the application are sufficient practical experience relevant to the study program for example internships/work placements or full-time employment, as well as successful completion of the first two semesters of the Master's degree program. If you have any questions about the admission requirements and the application process, please contact the International Office: .
Further information on the Master Business Administration program at SolBridge:
At BSP, Master Business Administration students can earn a double degree in cooperation with the City University of Seattle, USA. Graduates of the double degree program receive two academic degrees - one from each university.
In order to obtain the double degree, students must spend 6 months (two American quarters) at the American partner university in the 3rd semester. CityU is ACBSP-accredited, which is one of the leading international accreditations for business schools.
The bilateral study program represents an outstanding opportunity for students to develop their personality and sharpen their own academic profile. International experience is also an enormous asset on the job market: in an increasingly globalized world and economy, the double degree offers graduates excellent career and networking options.
Prerequisites for the application are sufficient practical experience relevant to the study program for example internships/work placements or full-time employment, as well as successful completion of the first two semesters of the Master's degree program. If you have any questions about the admission requirements and the application process, please contact the International Office:
Further information on the Master Business Administration program at CityU: