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Name Contao HTTPS CSRF Token
Technischer Name csrf_https-contao_csrf_token
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Zweck Dient zum Schutz der verschlüsselten Website (HTTPS) vor Fälschungen von standortübergreifenden Anfragen. Nach dem Schließen des Browsers wird das Cookie wieder gelöscht
Technischer Name PHPSESSID
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Zweck Cookie von PHP (Programmiersprache), PHP Daten-Identifikator. Enthält nur einen Verweis auf die aktuelle Sitzung. Im Browser des Nutzers werden keine Informationen gespeichert und dieses Cookie kann nur von der aktuellen Website genutzt werden. Dieses Cookie wird vor allem in Formularen benutzt, um die Benutzerfreundlichkeit zu erhöhen. In Formulare eingegebene Daten werden z. B. kurzzeitig gespeichert, wenn ein Eingabefehler durch den Nutzer vorliegt und dieser eine Fehlermeldung erhält. Ansonsten müssten alle Daten erneut eingegeben werden.
Technischer Name FE_USER_AUTH
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Gruppe Analyse
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Anbieter Google LLC
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Zweck Tracking
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Anbieter Hubspot
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Zweck Marketing, Statistiken, Analyse, Optimierung
Gruppe Externe Medien
Name Spotify
Technischer Name sp_landing,sp_t
Anbieter Spotify AB
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Zweck Podcast
Name Youtube
Technischer Name YSC,
Anbieter Google LLC
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Zweck Youtube-Player Funktion
Incoming to BSP Kopfbild

Incoming to BSP

Welcome to BSP.

The cosmopolitan city of Berlin is one of the most beautiful and exciting cities to study in. The young and vivid urban life sets European standards for development and creativity.

Internationality is important to us. That's why we want students from all over the world to feel at home at our university. We offer each student excellent, individual support and guidance. The BSP's familiar atmosphere, small classes and our Buddy Programme enable you to meet fellow German students and help you settle into your new home quickly.

A semester abroad at the BSP

This interview was filmed in the summer semester 2019 as part of a study project of the course Communication Management. Two Erasmus students from Denmark, Simone and Helene, who spent the summer semester at BSP, report on their impressions of everyday life at the Siemens Villa.

Contact person and application

If you have any questions regarding a semester abroad at the BSP, please contact the International Office by e-mail.

Application for Incoming International Student 

If you would like to study at the BSP for one or two semesters, please send the following documents as one file in PDF format to the International Office:

  • BSP Application Form (available from the International Office upon request)
  • Current Transcript of Records
  • Module choice (Learning Agreement)
  • Proof of sufficient German language skills (only for courses in German, at least level B2)
  • Copy of identity card/passport
  • 1 photo
  • Proof of sufficient health insurance coverage (only when arriving from outside the EU)

Application deadlines: June 1st for the winter semester / December 1st for the summer semester.

Students of a university with which the BSP has a cooperation agreement are required to obtain information about tuition fees and the application procedure at their home university.

Non-degree students (Freemover) can find the current tuition fees and the requirements on our website. Please pay particular attention to visa regulations and the necessary official language certificates.

Module offer for exchange students

Although most courses take place in German, a selection of courses totalling at least 30 ECTS points is offered in English. Nevertheless, it is advisable to possess sufficient German language skills or to attend a German course in preparation for studying in Berlin. You can choose from the entire range of modules offered by the BSP. For a list of courses offered in English, please contact the International Office. If you would like to attend courses in German, you must provide proof of a language level of B2 (according to the CEFR). We would be happy to send you our German course selection.